Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My trip to the Grocery Store

I drove myself to the grocery store the other day .After walking around and picking up some food for my kids ,I was stuck behind a woman that wanted to pay ½ with food stamps, ½ with cash, needed a new carton of eggs, and price check on the bacon. My thought as I was standing behind her “LOVE IT”

why?, you may ask.

Here is the story, I will list the blessing as I counted them and explain in detail later.

I got out of my house (1)and got in my car (2) and drove(3) to the grocery store (4). I walked (5)around the store picking up food for my kids (6). Each of my children has different likes and dislikes so I got them each their personal favorites. I was standing (7) in line ready to pay (8) for the food (9) I just picked up.

  1. okay, it's not my house. I pay rent. I do ,however, have a roof over my head and a comfortable place to lay my head at night. I figure this alone makes me a very blessed person.
  2. I haven't had this car very long and it is mine. It's the first time my name was alone on the title of a vehicle. I don't owe any one any money for it. I lived many years without a vehicle and feel this one was a gift from God. (another story for another time)
  3. I drove. For 15 yrs I could not drive because of anxiety attacks behind the wheel. ( another story for another time) Let's just say I pray a prayer of thanksgiving each time I make my destination safely,
  4. I have a local grocer I enjoy. Everyone there is kind and I often meet people I know. Two of my children worked for the store and the employees treat me as if I'm a “rock star”.
  5. A lot of my nearest and dearest friends do not have the mobility to walk. Have you ever seen anyone in the store on those shopping scooters? Do you think “ what a lazy bum” or do you think “There, but for the Grace of God ,go I”? for me it's the latter.
  6. I have been blessed ½ dozen times. The most beautiful, intelligent, witty, kind, caring people on the planet at one time fell asleep in my arms and allowed me to feel their heat beat and watch them breath.
  7. I can stand for 10 minutes at a time. That is usually my limit. Some days not even that long and have to rethink shower vs. bath. This particular day I was strong and could stand the entire time it took. Longer if necessary. For that I am grateful.
  8. I can pay for my groceries. Not always but sometimes and when I do I feel blessed. My children will not go hungry that day. Praise God. Not all mothers , even in the US, can say that with certainty.
  9. Food. What more can one say. We are blessed to have such an abundance of food on this planet. So much so that it often goes stale before it can be eaten. I know organizations try to donate to the poor but lets face it folks. If you could take all the stuff out of the landfill and recycle it into edible food there would be a lot fewer hungry children out there. I am blessed by God to have enough food to eat.

Next time someone in front of you makes you wait a few minutes, think. Think about all that you have to be grateful for, count your blessings. Maybe you will even want to thank them for giving you the chance to slow down and Thank God.

Be Blessed.


  1. What a great story. People need to take time to think. Thanks Cathy

  2. Great post! Always important to look at the many ways God is blessing us each and every day. It is the little things.
