Thursday, March 29, 2012

Step 1: Awareness

The first step is to become aware of your spirit.
The human experience is comprised of three parts Body Mind and Spirit. The Body houses the mind and spirit both.

Typically the mind is in control or at our conscience level. Some refer to this as the Ego or Self. This part of us is what operates our thoughts of daily living.

The Spirit typically resides in our sub-conscience. This is the part of us that takes and instant like or dislike to a situation without cause or reason. When you somehow "just know" something is wrong or right. This is what we are trying to bring to the conscience level and then build up from there. All through out the Bible it talks about living in Spirit and not of this world. This is what they are talking about. Living with the Spirit  and not a "flesh" or "world" or in other words the ego.

You need to become aware of where  your spirit is as we start the journey so you know how far you have to go. Find a quiet place where there are no distractions and relax. See how you are feeling and thinking in that moment. Are you at peace, do you feel joy, are you relaxed  or are you feeling like life isn't fair, feeling depressed, sad or bored. Wherever you are this is the starting point of your journey. It's okay to feel and experience the negative emotions. They are part of you as a whole. Feel them and recognize them.

This is where the one book says to start a chart or graph of some kind. Something to help you track you progress. There will be "up" days and "down" days. I choose to journal my journey here on my blog but you may choose  what you have learned in Statistics class to monitor your progress. This is totally up to your own discretion as to how you want to log your process.

Today my Spirit is full of Joy and Gratitude. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Step One: Awareness

You need to be aware of your spirit. There are three parts to the human experience.
Mind Body and Spirit. The three are connected for the whole. We are focusing on Spirit but I hear that when one is strong the others follow suit. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let's Get Started!

First my dear son you need to be aware of a few things:

Forget what you have heard about God being vengeful and vindictive. Some of what you have heard would lead you to believe that God only loves certain people. This is so far from the truth. God is Love. Whatever is good is of God. Whenever someone says they love you they are saying God is with you. God sits at the throne in Heaven and in Heaven there is no negative emotions. It is impossible for God to be anything more than love.

so lets talk about love for a minute.
There are many forms of earthly love.

 The love of a parent for a child. This love is unconditional. If a parent truly loves their child they will not forsake them. Whether the child is born deformed, disabled, or if the child grows to make bad decisions the parent will always love the child.

The love of a child for its parent. This love comes from a sense of security and trust. A knowledge the child has that no matter what happens they will always be cared for.

The love of a man and woman. This should not be confused with lust. When one persons whole desire is to make the other happy. That is love. Not a fear of making the other angry but a willingness to make the other person happy. ( you may learn this lesson the hard way, so many of us do)

Christian love. The love of God. This transcends all other types of love. It is unconditional, it gives security and it is a willingness to make others happy. This is the kind of Love God has for you. and the kind of love you need to share with others.

Come and Join Us

The other day my son noticed some books on my coffee table that I had just received. One was about raising spiritual awareness and the other was about contemplative spirituality. He had asked me to take notes on what I read and let him read them. This is the format that I have chosen for the notes to my son.

I will be writing to him specifically, but I invite anyone willing to go on this spiritual journey with us to read along. Feel free to leave comments if I forget anything, if you have questions ( I am learning along the way and don't pretend to know everything) or if you disagree, other opinions are always welcome.

You will notice a strong Christian sentiment because that is where my heart lies. I believe in God the great creator of all that was, is, or will be. I believe in Jesus that died and rose again. I believe in the Holy Spirit.
Some of my learning is not necessarily Christian based but it is so easy for me to see One True God in everything.
Come along and join us in our spiritual journey and Be Blessed

A note to my son.

I have begun