Saturday, October 8, 2011

she just "threw up" on me!

I know it sounds gross but I don't know how else to explain it.
 It used to be that when I asked someone "How are you" they would respond with a medical complaint. I am not a medical professional and can't really help a persons physical state. I can , however, help with the spiritual and emotional well being of a person. So now I ask " How is your soul ( or spirit) " sometimes I ask "how are you feeling". This almost always results in what I have termed Emotional Vomit.

I say this because people will inevitably spew out the nastiest, most vial emotional pain that they have within them. There are sometimes even "chunks" of the darkest moments in their lives that they had been holding in for  a very long time. I always have to laugh a little inside when they finally get to the "emotional dry-heave". That's when they start to say something and then stop, realizing that they already told the story, or that the perceived problem was really not that big of a thing comparatively.

Strangers in the store or at the pharmacy will often "up-chuck" on me. I was waiting for a prescription once with my sister. A priest is there waiting as well. I asked him " How is your day" and he went Blaaah  and left a big mess of "emotional vomit" all over the place. My sister later asked how I knew him and I told her I had never met him before.
I was at the store and helped a lady who dropped something pick it up and asked "are you okay" and we were there for 30 minutes as she shared everything that had hidden inside her soul since childhood.                

It sort of reminds me of that "Monty Python " skit:
man 1: How are you?
man 2: better.
man 1: better?
man 2: better get a bucket, I'm gonna heave.

I'm not complaining. I will never ask someone how they are feeling or how their spirit is, if I don't have the time to listen. I think most people just want to be heard. They want their pain to be recognized and acknowledged.I feel blessed that I can be there to help make people feel better. Even if it's just to listen.

I want to encourage everyone to stop and listen to each other. When you ask someone "How are you" take a few minutes to hear the response. You may be surprised by the response.

Be there for each other and Be Blessed.

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