My M.S.
There is a country song the lyrics go something like: “ I'm in a hurry to get things done. I rush and rush until life's no fun, All I have to do is live and die, I'm in a hurry and don't know why”. This was my theme song most of my adult life.
Then one day God said “Sit”. I said “no, I don't have time”. I was 30, pregnant with my
3rd child,working two jobs. The doctor said I was suffering from exhaustion. He said
to take it easy. I was to tough for that.
Then one day God said “Sit”. Again I said “no” ( I'm stubborn like that). I ignored the
problems that crept up now and again. I didn't have time. “ I don't have time for this”. “I
have places to go, people to see and things to do”. “ I'll rest when I'm dead”. “ Just let
me finish this one last thing”. The excuses went on like that for years.
Then one day God said “SIT” and took the use of my right arm and leg. Doctors said
“Okay, God” and I sat. “now what”.
God said, “Sit and know that I am God”. (I read that in a book once.)
He gave me back my arm and leg, but only if I Sit and know that he is God. If I forget
and try to rush, it goes away. Sometimes it's my eyesight, sometimes my hearing, and
even sometimes my hands.
But when I sit, I notice how God is in the little things. I was in to much of a rush before
to notice. Don't get me wrong, there is pain and plenty of it to go around. But to quote
another song "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all". You see, for me if it doesn't hurt,
it doesn't feel anything, and doesn't work. So I am grateful for what hurts because that
means it still moves. I am grateful for the time I now have to spend with loved ones.
Mostly, I am grateful for the peace that comes from knowing God is in charge and all
things from God are good.
Be blessed ( I am)
Cathy A Hayes
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