Not your typical garden party.
My yard had become overgrown with weeds. My favorite method of weed control in years past had involved a very large white German Shepard that no longer lives with me.He moved on with his rightful master and is thriving about as well as the weeds he left behind.
I have physical limitations that prevent me from doing the yard work that I so loved to do in the past. It simply broke my heart to see my yard turn into a forest of overgrown weeds and volunteer trees. The vegatables that had long been forgotten and the flowers buried under the brush was a site that I could not bear.So I just left it grow. I know of people that could have helped,and I would mention it in passing conversation,but I never asked for the help.I was raised to be independent, to do for myself, to not ask for help unless it was an matter of life and death.
Complaints from the neighborhood and others started coming in. I felt so helpless that I could not make my home a beautiful place,like it had been before.
Then a miracle happened!
As I sat and wondered why I had to suffer and could not do the things I wanted. Even something so simple as pulling a weed was now an impossibility. I said something out loud to a family member.
I asked for help.
In less than an hour I had many people raking, pruning, trimming,and pulling. I looked out at the work they had done and the workers still going strong. I am truly blessed to have so many people willing to work so hard for me. I can only repay them in hugs and they were all happy to receive payment in full.
I am a poor woman by this worlds standards, but in Love I am the richest woman in the world!
More hugs today as the work continues and the gardener numbers increase!
Be blessed my friends and count the hugs you gave today!