Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I have heard a lot of people making New Years resolutions lately. One thing I noticed is they all want "less".

Eat less
smoke less
drink less
weigh less
gossip less
less government
less spending

I think we should be asking "more". More of ourselves. Doing more for God.
more prayer
more time with God
more for the homeless
more for the hungry
more for the elderly
more for the children

I think this year I want to ask more of myself. What more can I do?

I resolve to speak of God and Jesus more.
I resolve to do more for my fellow human.
I resolve to let God use me more.
I resolve to listen more to the hurt.
I resolve to make this year less about me and more about humanity. This year I am going to do more to help those who have less.

Be Blessed my friends and prepare the way of the Lord. Do more!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Is it really over?

A friend on face book posted this status:

" Praise God Christmas is over, Now back to normal life"

I thought this was funny, but I don't think my friend was joking.

Yes, by all means, Praise God for everything! But, my dear friend ,Christmas is not over. Oh sure the trees are coming down, the leftovers are almost gone, the paper is cleaned up and the carpets can be vacuumed once again, but Christmas is not over.

What were we celebrating? a fat man in a red suit? the demise of our credit card balance? No.

We were celebrating Christ Jesus the Lord coming to walk among mankind and show us the truth,the light and the way. This is not a once a year celebration, but an ongoing way of life! To live as Christ taught us, to accept Jesus as our savior, these are not just for the 25th of December. If Sunday was the only time this year you went to church then you are sadly missing out on the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL!

What a great opportunity to teach the children about our dear savior and his birth!

Be Blessed my friends and Merry Christmas! (everyday)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

what makes a bad word a bad word ??

One of the teens in our church youth group posted this question today on face book. My immediate response was to tell her that if you wouldn't use the word in front of the pastor at church it is a "bad" word.

I got to thinking .
Watching commercials on TV and listening to the radio, what used to be considered "bad" words are now everyday words. I remember George Carlin had a list of 7 things you can't say on TV. That was always a good rule to follow. If they can't say them on TV or the radio station bleeps them then they are "bad" words. Now that list has changed to but a few. I have heard church officials use some of the 7 in the church building. I have heard parents and grand parents use some of the 7 when talking to the youth. I have heard lyrics in a song that plays on the radio that 10 yrs ago would have been bleeped. I have watched even Disney characters use words that were on Carlin's list. It's considered a "bad" word if it offends the listener, but what offends one person does not necessarily offend another. I always thought foul language showed ignorance and was used to end an argument that you weren't winning.

Has the society changed so much in just a few decades that now anything is okay to say? Is there no longer a need for a verbal filter when in "polite company"?

Just my thought for the day. Jesus said the tongue was sharper than the sword. He warned against saying things to hurt others.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Long story made short.

I had the gas shut off at my house in the summer time and had no heat. I couldn't pay the bill. As the calendar ticked away the months I still could not turn it back on. I had requested help but most agencies that help with that sort of energy assistance wouldn't be able to help until November. We would heat water on the stove for baths but as far as heating the house we were at God's Mercy. Some dear friends had loaned us space heaters but here in my part of the world it can get very cold. I would pray each night for God to help me keep my family warm this fall and winter. Each day when I woke the forecast would be for 65-70 and sunny.

My family started teasing me that it was because of my prayers that the weather was so nice this past October and November. I'd like to think they were partially right. God helped keep my family warm, in His way. I had finally gotten the agencies to work together and have the gas heat turned back on. I had warned my family that 14 days from the day I stopped praying for heat and started giving thanks for the agencies that helped, it would snow.

14 days from the day / hour that I had my heat turned back on.. Guess what!?  SNOW!!!
and it was a beautiful snow, the trees were flocked with a gentle white blanket. The flakes were large and beautiful falling gently to the ground. I felt like I lived in a snow globe.

God had blessed me with the warm fall weather and again to say "your welcome" He blessed me with a beautiful snowfall.

What a great and merciful God!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Falling Leaves

 I only have one tree in my yard but somehow my yard has more leaves than the rest of the block. I had been asked if this bothers me. It doesn't and this is why.

I sent a couple of young adults out to rake the leaves that had fallen from the trees.

When the pile in the back was about 4 feet tall I heard the young lady give out a yelp and the young man laugh. I looked out my window in time to see him toss her small frame into the pile and throw a handful of gold and  brown in her hair. I watched as they playfully enjoyed the leaves like small children. 

When the pile reached 5 and a half feet tall two teenage boys (13) asked if they could jump in the pile. I gladly said yes. I watched as they took turns diving in from the top of the stump. They yelled and laughed so hard! They would take turns making the pile tall again and jumping in.

( for some reason that song from Steven Curtis Chapman kept running through my head) 
"♫♪’m diving in, I’m going deep in over
my head, I want to be
Cought in the rush, lost in the flow,
in over my head, I want to go♫♪"

I really wanted to go and jump in too!  I was remembering the year before when I did dive in with the neighborhood children. I remembered once when my two oldest were small and we played in the leaves an entire afternoon! I remembered the youngest ones picking leaves out of their scarves. I remembered gallons of hot chocolate being poured and trays of cookies being eaten,still outside in the cold and darkness, not wanting the fun to end.

Oh, How Blessed I am, to be the yard that gets all the leaves!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving Thanks

The Holy Day of Giving Thanks has just passed. I had a wonderful dinner with wonderful guests.

I got to wondering what the topic of conversation was for the rest of the world.

Did you talk about people? Those who made it to dinner and those that couldn't join the family. Did coworkers, employers or clients come into conversation? Did you discuss the neighbors,community members or the people that had to work that day?

Did you talk about money? Did you make plans for "Black Friday"? Did you talk about how much the turkey cost? Did you make plans for Christmas presents? ( who is buying for whom, and how much you were planning to spend) Did the high cost of gasoline come up?

Did you talk about God, the reason for Holy Communion, Jesus' death and resurrection, and the possibility of the second coming? Did you talk about the great and wonderful things God has done for you and your family?

I guess the real question is ..

This Thanksgiving while your family and loved ones were close, did you discuss gossip, greed or God.

As for me and mine, we discussed God and all of His Glory. We gave him Praise!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

All This , and Heaven ,Too!

I found a poem by Clay Harrison that mirrors exactly what is in my heart. I must share this with you.

All This,and Heaven,Too!

I have sunlight in the morning
in shades of gold and red
And songbirds serenade me
before I'm out of bed.

I have flowers in my garden
fit for a queen's bouquet,
And I know that God has blessed me
before I kneel to pray.

I have food for my table,
and some that I can share;
God's goodness and His mercy
follow me everywhere.

I have family to love me
and friends to see me through,
But best of all, God's promise...
All this, and Heaven too!

Here is the list of things that I saw today that made me say "All this, and Heaven too!

a warm shower on a cool day
the color of the sky is the same blue in my youngest daughter's eyes
the carpet of gold and brown leaves on the neighbor's lawn
the look on a young man's face when he realized God loves him
the smile on my oldest daughters face when she woke
my brother's humor
too many doughnuts on the kitchen table
my daughter in love's giggle over the phone
a kitten purring on my lap
the sun reflecting in my coffee cup
being able to type this

It's only 9am. The list will grow. What happened for you today that made you say:
"All this, and Heaven too!" ?

Be Blessed

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm ready

We are coming up on 11/11/11 and there are a lot of "dooms day" predictions out there.
  Asteroids hurtling towards earth, Planet X in a near earth orbit, 2012 Mayan calendar ends, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Revelations,ancient aliens returning, earthquakes, floods, famine, riots in the streets of the cities, the list goes on.

I guess to me it doesn't matter when or how. the question is "am I ready?"

I could have a stroke today and be gone tomorrow. Have I lived my life to the best of my ability? Have I accepted Christ? YES. I am not saying I am perfect only that I am forgiven. If January 1, 2013 comes around just like any other new year, I am ready for that too.Only God knows when life on this planet will change. We will all just have to wait and see. I refuse to spend the time worried. I will spend the time worshiping.

I will wake up each morning like Sponge Bob and jump out of bed singing;  ♪"I'm Ready, ♫I'm Ready"♪! with joy in my heart. I know that whatever happens and whenever it happens I am Ready!

Are you ready my friends? Prepare and Praise God!
Be Blessed my friends

Friday, November 4, 2011

Missing Children

This is not one of those "feel good" messages. My writing reflects my mood. 

I was asked to write about "The Children's Sabbath" for my church. They wanted to know my feelings about the children in our church. I have a good sense of the children in the neighborhood and have several children of my own. The local church thought that this made me some sort of "knowledgeable adult".

They are not going to like what I have to say.

Where are the children?

I sat there and saw only the pastor's grandchildren. No other children were at church that day. We celebrated the 90th birthday of one of the congregants but no children. We typically celebrate birthdays for people over the age of 80. We rarely celebrate the birthday of anyone under 18. This leads me to ask "where are the children and why are they missing from church".

When we sign them up for football we take them to every practice. When we sign them up for scouts we take them once a week. Parents will wake up extra early to get their child where they need to go on time. Except to church. We sign them up for a life with Christ when we baptize them but then what? We don't bring them to practice life with Christ.

We all want to make sure our kid is the best at whatever sport or activity they want to join, but we seem to forget the important thing is saving their soul. I have heard parents say things like "practice your piano and someday you'll be famous". I never heard a parent say "read your Bible and someday you will be saved".

I guess I don't understand why it is so imperative that our children practice for this world but not for the life eternal that Jesus promised. Is it just to much work to wake the kids on Sunday? Do we, as parents, feel it is something they can do when they grow up? Maybe it's that most of us adults don't like to get up on Sunday so we just don't want to bother trying to get our kid to get up either.

Whatever the excuse we use doesn't justify the fact that there are very few small children practicing life with Christ and it is reflecting on the lives they lead as teens and young adults.

Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Friday, October 21, 2011

Children's Sabbath

I was asked by my church to witness the "Children's Sabbath"  and write what I thought.

I was wondering "where are the children". We have a small congregation and that is part of what drew me to this particular house of worship. There are few young members and very few children. I am wondering why there is

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Garden Party!

Not your typical garden party.
  My yard had become overgrown with weeds. My favorite method of weed control in years past had involved a very large white German Shepard that no longer lives with me.He moved on with his rightful master and is thriving about as well as the weeds he left behind.

I have physical limitations that prevent me from doing the yard work that I so loved to do in the past. It simply broke my heart to see my yard turn into a forest of overgrown weeds and volunteer trees. The vegatables that had long been forgotten and the flowers buried under the brush was a site that I could not bear.So I just left it grow. I know of people that could have helped,and I would mention it in passing conversation,but I never asked for the help.I was raised to be independent, to do for myself, to not ask for help unless it was an matter of life and death.

Complaints from the neighborhood and others started coming in. I felt so helpless that I  could not make my home a beautiful place,like it had been before.

                                                Then  a miracle happened!

As I sat and wondered why I had to suffer and could not do the things I wanted. Even something so simple as pulling a weed was now an impossibility. I said something out loud to a family member.

                                                 I asked for help.

In less than an hour I had many people raking, pruning, trimming,and pulling. I looked out at the work they had done and the workers still going strong. I am truly blessed to have so many people willing to work so hard for me. I can only repay them in hugs and they were all happy to receive payment in full.

I am a poor woman by this worlds standards, but in Love I am the richest woman in the world!

More hugs today as the work continues and the gardener numbers increase!

Be blessed my friends and count the hugs you gave today!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My First Marriage

They are a great couple.
She is in her late forties and he in his mid fifties. When they asked me if I'd preform their wedding I was honored and delighted.They had lived together for years and the world already saw them as united but they wanted to make it "official". They didn't have any specific requests about the ceremony and asked that I just make it short and sweet.

I thought long and hard about the words to say. I thought about the years these two were together and all  they had already been through. I thought about what ,in my mind, makes a great marriage. I remember the troubles that they both dealt with before they met and after they met. I remembered the doctors visits when they were there for each other. and I recalled the special little things they did for each other to show the love they shared.

I read a book once by Steve Harvey called "Act like a lady think like a man". In it he said there were 3 things a man should do: Profess, Protect and Provide. I read about the "Psalms woman" and the list of things a woman should do for her husband. I incorporated these into the vows that I shared at the ceremony.He had done these three things already for her. She had already done these things for him.

I let the people that gathered that day know that these two shared their life in such a way as to make love real.

I am proud to be part of the union of this man and woman.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

she just "threw up" on me!

I know it sounds gross but I don't know how else to explain it.
 It used to be that when I asked someone "How are you" they would respond with a medical complaint. I am not a medical professional and can't really help a persons physical state. I can , however, help with the spiritual and emotional well being of a person. So now I ask " How is your soul ( or spirit) " sometimes I ask "how are you feeling". This almost always results in what I have termed Emotional Vomit.

I say this because people will inevitably spew out the nastiest, most vial emotional pain that they have within them. There are sometimes even "chunks" of the darkest moments in their lives that they had been holding in for  a very long time. I always have to laugh a little inside when they finally get to the "emotional dry-heave". That's when they start to say something and then stop, realizing that they already told the story, or that the perceived problem was really not that big of a thing comparatively.

Strangers in the store or at the pharmacy will often "up-chuck" on me. I was waiting for a prescription once with my sister. A priest is there waiting as well. I asked him " How is your day" and he went Blaaah  and left a big mess of "emotional vomit" all over the place. My sister later asked how I knew him and I told her I had never met him before.
I was at the store and helped a lady who dropped something pick it up and asked "are you okay" and we were there for 30 minutes as she shared everything that had hidden inside her soul since childhood.                

It sort of reminds me of that "Monty Python " skit:
man 1: How are you?
man 2: better.
man 1: better?
man 2: better get a bucket, I'm gonna heave.

I'm not complaining. I will never ask someone how they are feeling or how their spirit is, if I don't have the time to listen. I think most people just want to be heard. They want their pain to be recognized and acknowledged.I feel blessed that I can be there to help make people feel better. Even if it's just to listen.

I want to encourage everyone to stop and listen to each other. When you ask someone "How are you" take a few minutes to hear the response. You may be surprised by the response.

Be there for each other and Be Blessed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chaos,Mayhem and Disorder

Someone once said," The devil works with distraction and procrastination", I completely believe this. I haven't posted anything new lately, not because I hadn't thought of anything, Not because I had forgotten. But because I have been distracted.I have been procrastinating.
 My life is filled with chaos. I have many children and friends that depend on me and many obligations that need tending. This distracts me from my writing.
 There has been mayhem in my recent days.Sometimes life throws you curve balls to see if you are paying attention.I must admit that I haven't been paying attention to the important things and had a few unexpected curve balls that I had to chase down.
 Disorder is the way of parenting. Anyone who thinks it's easy to raise a child should have more than one. I love them all deeply even when they go different directions at the same time and I have to stretch my limits of patience to accommodate them.

I will try harder to avoid the distractions and the procrastination from this point going forward. If you have been following my posts, I apologize for the break and will try to do better.

Be Blessed
Cathy A Hayes

Sunday, September 25, 2011

storage units

Someone I know found God in his storage unit.

 He is a quiet man and when I first met him he said he went through life with blinders on. Concerned with himself and his possessions. He tells me that he tried his best to live a "hermit" lifestyle , as much as one can in the modern day. But since we met and talked often, he is becoming more aware of the world around him.

He went to his storage unit to check on flood damage. The facility lies close to a river and was under a foot of water and some of his prized possessions had been damaged. As he cleaned out and tossed what could not be salvaged, he saw an elderly woman placing boxes in another unit not far away. He went over and offered to help her. She was very grateful for the help.

 God showed himself that day. The woman's prayers were answered when she received the help loading heavy boxes to her unit., and The man was given the gift of giving, filling his soul with delight at helping another person.

To "give" does not always require reaching in your pockets. To give does require you to reach into your soul.
God gives us the gift to give. To receive is a good thing ,but to give is a God thing. I encourage everyone to give aid to anyone in need. See the need, fill the need. Whether it is opening a door for someone with their hands full, letting someone go ahead of you in line at the store, allowing a car to pass you on the highway, whatever the opportunity is, give.

Be blessed with the gift of giving.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

two for one

   A wonderful woman that I know and love shared this most recent story of faith in the everyday life that she wanted me to pass along.
   A long time ago, maybe decades ,a woman owned a cross on a chain. It was beautiful and elaborate with a black stone in the center. Intricate designs on the cross made it something she was proud to wear. She always thought that "bearing her cross" showed her faith to the world with simplicity yet strength.
   Over the years and many moves later the cross that she, at one time held dear, had become lost. She searched but could not find it. ( I think her oldest daughter has it, just a hunch)
   One day while thinking about this cross she prayed. She prayed to God that she was sorry she could no longer "bear her cross" and could no longer show the world her faith in this understated way. She prayed that she could find another one that would catch her eye and touch her soul the way the old one did.
   She searched in shops, on the internet,in magazines anywhere that she thought would have something that would capture her soul like the original.
   After a week of searching and continued prayer she received in the mail a Golden Cross. She was so excited that God had answered her prayers when she opened the mail. As she continued opening her mail she discovered a Silver Cross had also arrived that day in the mail.
  She had asked God for one to replace the one she lost and had received two!

God saw her love was genuine and blessed her twofold. May God bless you who read this twofold.
Be double Blessed

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Lunch Lady

The "lunch lady" at the school my children go to happens to be a close friend and neighbor. This weekend she told me that she believes God has put her in her job for the sake of the children.That whenever she sees one of the kids from our neighborhood and connects with them she sees them smile and believes this is her purpose in life. To add a light in a child's otherwise dark day.

I think this is true of all of us. We are placed in our jobs by God to shine Christs love to all those with whom we come in contact. Even if our job seems menial and tedious we are there for a reason. We have a higher purpose and are called to our current occupations for the passing of Christs peace. Even if we are in a organization that frowns on religious speech we can still pass the love of God on by our actions.

I've heard it said that people don't always remember what you say but they remember how you made them feel. Today try to make everyone you come in contact with ; coworkers, clients, customers,employers, employees, or whoever it may be, make them feel God's love by how you treat them.
Be Blessed
Cathy A Hayes

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Old Friends

What constitutes an "Old Friend"? Do you need to be old to have an "Old Friend"?

 My daughter was writing a hand written letter the other day and I asked her who she was writing. She said she was writing to an "Old Friend". I laughed at first because she is not yet 14 and to me she is not old enough to have an "Old Friend". She explained that she had know this person for about 10 yrs and therefore they were "Old Friends" They shared a history of secrets and stories so they were good friends but I had never thought of them as "Old Friends" before.

I have many friends that I have known for the better part of 40 yrs and I consider us "Old Friends". I don't like to think of myself as "Old" ( I don't think anyone really does want to be known as old) but we also share a history and that makes us good friends that have know each other a long time.

I have newer friends that I have known for less than 5 yrs but they have quickly become close friends. They are the same age as me but I don't think we are yet at "Old Friends" status. Maybe we are. We share memories, history ( albeit brief) and trust.

 Trust is the most important thing. If you trust someone with your deepest secrets and the painful memories not just the joys and happy memories then they are truly "Old Friends".

I believe that "Old Friends" are not classified by how long you've know the person, how old you are, how old they are, or even how often you see them. I believe "Old Friends" are classified by how much you trust them with your "Old" wounds and new ones.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My trip to the Grocery Store

I drove myself to the grocery store the other day .After walking around and picking up some food for my kids ,I was stuck behind a woman that wanted to pay ½ with food stamps, ½ with cash, needed a new carton of eggs, and price check on the bacon. My thought as I was standing behind her “LOVE IT”

why?, you may ask.

Here is the story, I will list the blessing as I counted them and explain in detail later.

I got out of my house (1)and got in my car (2) and drove(3) to the grocery store (4). I walked (5)around the store picking up food for my kids (6). Each of my children has different likes and dislikes so I got them each their personal favorites. I was standing (7) in line ready to pay (8) for the food (9) I just picked up.

  1. okay, it's not my house. I pay rent. I do ,however, have a roof over my head and a comfortable place to lay my head at night. I figure this alone makes me a very blessed person.
  2. I haven't had this car very long and it is mine. It's the first time my name was alone on the title of a vehicle. I don't owe any one any money for it. I lived many years without a vehicle and feel this one was a gift from God. (another story for another time)
  3. I drove. For 15 yrs I could not drive because of anxiety attacks behind the wheel. ( another story for another time) Let's just say I pray a prayer of thanksgiving each time I make my destination safely,
  4. I have a local grocer I enjoy. Everyone there is kind and I often meet people I know. Two of my children worked for the store and the employees treat me as if I'm a “rock star”.
  5. A lot of my nearest and dearest friends do not have the mobility to walk. Have you ever seen anyone in the store on those shopping scooters? Do you think “ what a lazy bum” or do you think “There, but for the Grace of God ,go I”? for me it's the latter.
  6. I have been blessed ½ dozen times. The most beautiful, intelligent, witty, kind, caring people on the planet at one time fell asleep in my arms and allowed me to feel their heat beat and watch them breath.
  7. I can stand for 10 minutes at a time. That is usually my limit. Some days not even that long and have to rethink shower vs. bath. This particular day I was strong and could stand the entire time it took. Longer if necessary. For that I am grateful.
  8. I can pay for my groceries. Not always but sometimes and when I do I feel blessed. My children will not go hungry that day. Praise God. Not all mothers , even in the US, can say that with certainty.
  9. Food. What more can one say. We are blessed to have such an abundance of food on this planet. So much so that it often goes stale before it can be eaten. I know organizations try to donate to the poor but lets face it folks. If you could take all the stuff out of the landfill and recycle it into edible food there would be a lot fewer hungry children out there. I am blessed by God to have enough food to eat.

Next time someone in front of you makes you wait a few minutes, think. Think about all that you have to be grateful for, count your blessings. Maybe you will even want to thank them for giving you the chance to slow down and Thank God.

Be Blessed.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Chief Red Eagle

‎"Angry people want you to see how powerful they are...loving people want you to see how powerful You are." - Chief Red Eagle

I saw this on face book and wanted to share it.

I always said there was a difference between being tough and being strong. I always thought that the "tough" "angry" "violent" people had a weakness they were trying to hide, while the strong people knew their weakness and have come to terms with that weakness. Sometimes our weakness is what makes us strong. 
When a person is so aggressive in proving their power they are hiding a deeper feeling of inadequacy.When a person is showing someone else how powerful and strong the other person is that feeling of inadequacy becomes a feeling of joy for the other person and their accomplishments. 
I guess it is a question of where your ego lies. If you are comfortable with who you are you can praise another person for who they are without trying to fight for power.

Be Grateful

My brother lives with me, his parenting weekends and mine coincide so his youngest son plays with my two youngest.
The two boys are drawing at the table while my brother watched. I was reading and my daughter was at the computer working on her novel. My nephew nudges my son and says "Chance, I want to go to BurgerKing, NOW!" Chance looks at him, Raven says "how rude".  My nephew says "I'm hungry".My brother asked, " Is that how it's done where you live? Just demand something and you get it?" I said "let me try that," I held my hands out like I was going to catch something out of mid air and said " I'm hungry", hmmm, didn't work" Chance puts down his pencil and sighs heavy and says " Mom, would you please make us some sandwiches?" I said " sure" and listed all the different sandwich makings available and took orders from everyone. Raven helped make sandwiches. When they were done she brought hers out of the kitchen and said "Thanks Mom" ( even though she helped) she handed Chance his and he said "Thanks Mom, Thanks Rave". I handed my brother his and he said "Thanks ladies". I handed my nephew his and he tried to snatch the plate out of my hands. I held tight and asked him" What do you say?" he just looked at me. "Say thank you",I said. "thanks" he said in a grouchy voice.

After reading the weeks scripture I wondered :
Did Chance and Moses had the same thoughts. " why ask me, I can't fix your problem."  "Ask with love to the one who can fix it."
Is this what God was trying to teach the Isrealies? Ask with a loving spirit for your needs to be met, don't demand with a selfish ego for your wants. Be grateful for what you are given and for whom it is that gave. ( even if you help fill the need, be grateful)

a stitch in time

 Yesterday a little girl that I'd been teaching to crochet came over with a project she wanted to do for her mother.
She spent 6 hrs working on it. The entire time she talked about how much she loved her mom and that she needed to get it done before her mom got off work. Her stitches were tight and she struggled to work the hook into each row. I watched her as her little hands shook and pressed on, the whole time she talked about how much her mother meant to her and all the struggle her mother had in her life and how her mother handled it all with strength and grace. Each time the work would get difficult and the handle of the hook left indents on her little fingers she would say " I love my mommy so much" " I have to get this done for her" "it has to be perfect, because I love her so much". When I would offer to take over for her she would say "I want to do it for my mom to show her how much I love her" and she would continue. When I suggested a short break to rest her hands she would say" I can rest when it's done".  After it was completed it was truly beautiful. Each stitch perfect. When I praised her on her work she didn't take pride in it herself. She was too excited to give it away.
 I think this is how God wants all of us to be. Work hard with Love in our hearts, push on through the toughest challenge and then Give with Love. This little girl truly left me inspired. I hope her story does the same for you.
Be Blessed my friends. ( yesterday I was)
Cathy A Hayes

My M.S.

 My M.S.

There is a country song the lyrics go something like: “ I'm in a hurry to get things  done. I rush and rush until life's no fun, All I have to do is live and die, I'm in a hurry and don't  know why”. This was my theme song most of my adult life.
Then one day God said “Sit”. I said “no, I don't have time”. I was 30, pregnant with my

 3rd child,working two jobs. The doctor said I was suffering from exhaustion. He said 

to take it easy. I was to tough for that.

Then one day God said “Sit”. Again I said “no” ( I'm stubborn like that). I ignored the 

problems that crept up now and again. I didn't have time. “ I don't have time for this”. “I 

have places to go, people to see and things to do”. “ I'll rest when I'm dead”. “ Just let 

me finish this one last thing”. The excuses went on like that for years.

Then one day God said “SIT” and took the use of my right arm and leg. Doctors said 


Okay, God” and I sat. “now what”.

God said, “Sit and know that I am God”. (I read that in a book once.)

He gave me back my arm and leg, but only if I Sit and know that he is God. If I forget 

and try to rush, it goes away. Sometimes it's my eyesight, sometimes my hearing, and 

even sometimes my hands.

But when I sit, I notice how God is in the little things. I was in to much of a rush before 

to notice.  Don't get me wrong, there is pain and plenty of it to go around. But to quote 

another song "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all". You see, for me if it doesn't hurt, 

it doesn't feel anything, and doesn't work. So I am grateful for what hurts because that 

means it still moves. I am grateful for the time I now have to spend with loved ones. 

Mostly, I am grateful for the peace that comes from knowing God is in charge and all 

things from God are good.
Be blessed ( I am)

Cathy A Hayes

My Morning Cup

My Morning Cup

Isaiah 64:8 “Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hands”

thoughts as I drink my morning cup of coffee.

We all are given a cup at birth. Some are fancy and gilded, Some are plain, some are large, some are small. They are all filled each day with the Love of God. Refills free for the asking.

Through the years our cups are damaged. No one is exempt. A small chip here, a small chip there. Some of the damage we did, other damage, others did. We see people with their cups and don't think they have chips in them, but they do. Some are on the back side that no one else sees. Some are cracked inside where only Gods Love can see. Sometimes the handle is deceiving, If you hold from the handle you might get hurt on a long forgotten chip.

Gods Love in the cup

Just as we each like our coffee different. God's Love for each of us is different. Some of us like it sweet, lots of sugar. Some of us like it smooth and creamy. I like my bold and strong, nothing fancy just straight up and hearty. God gives us Love tailored to our own special lives and needs.

Do you throw away your cup because it has a crack in it? Did you throw it away and later dig it out of the trash?

My cup has many chips in it, so many that I forgot who was responsible for which, It doesn't matter anymore. I lost the handle a long time ago. I don't even remember when. I dumped my cup out once. Threw out Gods Love, put my cup on a shelf to be forgotten. I picked it back up and asked for a refill. I gave my cup away to someone else to do with what they pleased. ( probably why it has that big crack in it) But I took my cup back. Asked for a refill.
I still have my cup. I hold on with both hands and have to be careful from where I drink, but
I still have my cup. I will never again try to throw it away. It is still full of Gods Love.
Some people look at my cup and wonder why I don't just throw it away for good. They think it is no good anymore. They say “no one should have to have a cup like that”. But my answer to them........FREE REFILLS! 

Who I am

Who,What, When, Where and Why

I suppose I should start out by telling you who I am.

This would be a good place to list all my accomplishments, accolades, designations, job experience,life experience and so on. But that would tell you what I've done not who I am.

I could list my geographic location, State, City, Country, favorite sports team, political affiliation, religious association, etc. But that would tell you where I am not who I am.

I am. I am a spiritual being housed in a physical form. Just like the people who are reading this are also spiritual beings. I am connected to my spirit and hence connected to the Great Creator, I will refer to as God. I am peaceful. I am loving. I am caring. I am patient. I am understanding. I am learning how to follow my path.

I read a lot and will quote from the books I read. I can not always remember which book and which author said what. When I sit and think about how amazing God is, things come to my memory and I restate them.

I will post as often as the spirit moves me.

I will post because the calling to share God's love is strong in me.

That is who I am.

Cathy A Hayes