Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I have heard a lot of people making New Years resolutions lately. One thing I noticed is they all want "less".

Eat less
smoke less
drink less
weigh less
gossip less
less government
less spending

I think we should be asking "more". More of ourselves. Doing more for God.
more prayer
more time with God
more for the homeless
more for the hungry
more for the elderly
more for the children

I think this year I want to ask more of myself. What more can I do?

I resolve to speak of God and Jesus more.
I resolve to do more for my fellow human.
I resolve to let God use me more.
I resolve to listen more to the hurt.
I resolve to make this year less about me and more about humanity. This year I am going to do more to help those who have less.

Be Blessed my friends and prepare the way of the Lord. Do more!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Is it really over?

A friend on face book posted this status:

" Praise God Christmas is over, Now back to normal life"

I thought this was funny, but I don't think my friend was joking.

Yes, by all means, Praise God for everything! But, my dear friend ,Christmas is not over. Oh sure the trees are coming down, the leftovers are almost gone, the paper is cleaned up and the carpets can be vacuumed once again, but Christmas is not over.

What were we celebrating? a fat man in a red suit? the demise of our credit card balance? No.

We were celebrating Christ Jesus the Lord coming to walk among mankind and show us the truth,the light and the way. This is not a once a year celebration, but an ongoing way of life! To live as Christ taught us, to accept Jesus as our savior, these are not just for the 25th of December. If Sunday was the only time this year you went to church then you are sadly missing out on the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL!

What a great opportunity to teach the children about our dear savior and his birth!

Be Blessed my friends and Merry Christmas! (everyday)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

what makes a bad word a bad word ??

One of the teens in our church youth group posted this question today on face book. My immediate response was to tell her that if you wouldn't use the word in front of the pastor at church it is a "bad" word.

I got to thinking .
Watching commercials on TV and listening to the radio, what used to be considered "bad" words are now everyday words. I remember George Carlin had a list of 7 things you can't say on TV. That was always a good rule to follow. If they can't say them on TV or the radio station bleeps them then they are "bad" words. Now that list has changed to but a few. I have heard church officials use some of the 7 in the church building. I have heard parents and grand parents use some of the 7 when talking to the youth. I have heard lyrics in a song that plays on the radio that 10 yrs ago would have been bleeped. I have watched even Disney characters use words that were on Carlin's list. It's considered a "bad" word if it offends the listener, but what offends one person does not necessarily offend another. I always thought foul language showed ignorance and was used to end an argument that you weren't winning.

Has the society changed so much in just a few decades that now anything is okay to say? Is there no longer a need for a verbal filter when in "polite company"?

Just my thought for the day. Jesus said the tongue was sharper than the sword. He warned against saying things to hurt others.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Long story made short.

I had the gas shut off at my house in the summer time and had no heat. I couldn't pay the bill. As the calendar ticked away the months I still could not turn it back on. I had requested help but most agencies that help with that sort of energy assistance wouldn't be able to help until November. We would heat water on the stove for baths but as far as heating the house we were at God's Mercy. Some dear friends had loaned us space heaters but here in my part of the world it can get very cold. I would pray each night for God to help me keep my family warm this fall and winter. Each day when I woke the forecast would be for 65-70 and sunny.

My family started teasing me that it was because of my prayers that the weather was so nice this past October and November. I'd like to think they were partially right. God helped keep my family warm, in His way. I had finally gotten the agencies to work together and have the gas heat turned back on. I had warned my family that 14 days from the day I stopped praying for heat and started giving thanks for the agencies that helped, it would snow.

14 days from the day / hour that I had my heat turned back on.. Guess what!?  SNOW!!!
and it was a beautiful snow, the trees were flocked with a gentle white blanket. The flakes were large and beautiful falling gently to the ground. I felt like I lived in a snow globe.

God had blessed me with the warm fall weather and again to say "your welcome" He blessed me with a beautiful snowfall.

What a great and merciful God!