Saturday, March 21, 2015

Race Wars

I have been silent for a while now about the issues in Ferguson Mo. and the continued race wars that have ensued in this country. I can keep silent no longer. I may offend some of my friends with my opinions but then this blog is about my opinions so read at your own risk. I am to conservative to be a liberal and to liberal to be a conservative, this is why I am an independent voter. I am an independent thinker after all.

I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the issue of skin color. I am not black, I am not white, I am not yellow. I am pink. I know there are other "pinkies" out there, after all it comes from my mothers side of the family. Often times I hear, " looks like someone got to much sun." My response is "Nope, I'm just pink.". I never thought of judging others by the color of their skin. I am in the major minority after all. How many pinks do you know?

I keep hearing all this nonsense about race. We are all the human race no matter whether we are black, white, brown, yellow, red or pink. Everyone seems to be upset that white cops killed black man or that black man killed white cops.. The bigger tragedy is that people are killing people. We were created to love one another. Killing each other, what ever the justification, is still killing. Taking lives because of the color of skin makes no sense to me. To have that much anger in a persons soul against an entire group is so sad to me.

God graced us with his forgiveness. Why can't we forgive others?? He created us all in his image to love and care for one another. We are instructed to forgive others as He has forgiven us. Why is this concept so difficult for people? We were commanded to not kill, not envy and not lie to each other. Why is this concept so difficult for people? We are here to bring peace to the world, to be in charge, to share the burdens of others and relieve the suffering. Instead we cause suffering.

I just don't get it. Hate, anger, rage and violence to a whole group of people is just insane to me.

Be Blessed my friends and spread love and peace.

Cathy A Hayes 

Thursday, February 6, 2014


At 3am this morning my brother received a call from his ex-wife. She was stranded in the snow and the cold. Her car just quit running on the busiest street in our city.

He immediately jumped up, got bundled and walked to her location to help.Although their divorce was many years ago they still count on each other when they need someone reliable in the middle of the night. That is a thing of beauty for me to see. They will probably never get back together but they will always remain close.

In loo of payment she gave him a box of doughnuts to bring back to the house. (now here is where my morning became interesting)

My two male cats tried to get the doughnuts at the same time and erupted into a full blow cat fight. Fur, claws and teeth were all that you could see as this ball half grey and half yellow went rolling around the house. They traveled from the kitchen to the dining room and down the hall. Eventually they made it to my bedroom and we were able to break them apart. One hid under the bed and the other ran for cover in the dining room.

Not ten minutes later the yellow one was on my bed licking his wounds. The grey one came in very slowly and they began to "coo" and "trill" at each other, they way cats do when they don't want humans to listen. Soon both cats were on my bed licking each others wounds and purring. What was recently a "fight ball" had become a cuddle of love.

I wish all people could be as quick to forgive after a fight as these two cats. I don't know if I'd be as quick to trust someone that just hurt me to bandage my wounds or bandage the wounds of someone I hurt.

Although early, this morning was full of love and forgiveness. Praise be to God.

I am blessed that my spiritual teaching often comes from my family and fur family.

Be Blessed my friends

Cathy Hayes

Saturday, November 23, 2013

pocket dial

The story goes like this:
 Whenever one of my kids says "God" or "Jesus" in an upset manner I respond with "Amen, What are we praying for?" This response has broken the bad habit of most of my children.

One day my youngest daughter was sitting close to me but texting a friend. She received a message and said "Oh God". I responded in my usual "Amen, What are we praying for?". She responded in the usual teenage snit, " Praying that you are not so annoying". I bowed my head and started a longer prayer. " Dear Lord, Please don't let me be...." then I stopped and said to her." Wait, I like being annoying". I looked up and said. "Sorry God, Pocket dial, we'll talk later." My daughter and I had a good laugh about it, but it got me to thinking..... How many times do people pocket dial God? Does he get annoyed with all those people calling on him and not finishing the conversation?

I think he is just glad that we still call on him for the minor instances in life that are frustrating. God is involved in the little things of everyday life and I believe this is where we find Him. Daily joys and daily frustrations are our connection to the Holy Spirit and our opportunities to get closer to God. We shouldn't be worried about asking God for help with the miss placed items, dropped calls, spilled milk...etc... He is God after all, and is everywhere all the time, just waiting for us to connect to Him.

Be Blessed
Cathy A Hayes

Friday, November 22, 2013

I didn't find Jesus

Someone once asked me "when did you find Jesus?" My response was " I didn't find Jesus, He found me.I was the one that was lost, not Him".

There was so much more to the story but they didn't give me time to elaborate.

You see, Jesus was with me when I was young, He brought me closer to God through the Holy Spirit. For a while it was The Trinity and Me.

Then as I grew older and in my rebel stage I thought I could do it all with out them. I made bad mistakes and hung out with sinners. Yet Jesus didn't give up on me. He was there at every corner, sometimes just shaking his finger and saying "tsk tsk tsk". He chased me down like a lost sheep in a pack of wolves. I ran and hid and tried to do things that Jesus would not have approved. Yet Jesus did not give up on me. I fell into the trapping of the world. Yet Jesus did not give up.

Finally I decided that if God had that much interest in me, if Jesus took me that serious, and if the Holy Spirit never left my side, I might as well let them in. I was making a mess of things on my own anyway.

Now it's the Trinity and me, hanging out and spreading The Word their way.

I think my friend, the better question is "Where were you when Jesus found you?"

Cathy A Hayes

Thursday, November 21, 2013

TYG ( Thank You God)

Today as I was washing the dirty dishes I found myself so very grateful.

As I dipped my hands in the warm sudsy water I praised God for hot and cold running water. Many people even in the United States aren't given that luxury. The cold wind was blowing outside and I was warm and safe inside, another reason to give thanks.

I thought about all the food I have and the Grace of God that I did have more than enough for me and my family.
I thought of the friends or "Angels in Disguise" that have brought me food when they didn't know I needed it. I thought of all the people who have been fed in my kitchen, the hungry,the homeless, the guests, and the family members who are now "Chillin' with Jesus".
I thought of the people that have cooked in my kitchen or helped cook meals.
I thought of the love and laughter during meals.
I am so Blessed to have so many dirty dishes!
Cathy A Hayes

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Collection

Many people I know collect things, little figures or pictures or items that they like to have around. My sister it's stamps. My mother collects swans. Lots of people collect items that might have value someday. They usually have "prized possession" that they display for guests to admire and keep the rest in some safe hidden place to prevent the items from being lost or stolen.

I collect joys.

My collection is massive! I have great big ones, like giving birth to a child, or having a child graduate high school. ( I have 2 of the latter on back order to be delivered in a couple of years) I have little tiny ones, like kittens purring on my lap. I have ones that someone gave me, like a lunch with a good friend. The best part is no one can take them from me,when I share them they multiply, and when I go to Heaven I can share them with Jesus!

I still remember my first joy! My sister and I were playing on the couch with dolls my mother made out of corduroy and yarn. That was the first time I laughed so hard tears rolled down my face and my tummy hurt.

So the next time you see me smiling or giggling or laughing just know that I am adding to my collection.

Be Blessed
Cathy A Hayes

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Prayer

Dear God,
 I must ask you for your forgiveness. I have let you down and for that I am truly sorry.

You gave me a gift that I have not used in a long time. Like the inheritance that was buried and not invested or the light that was covered under the basket and not allowed to shine, I did not use the talent you gave me. You are the potter and I am the clay. You created a vessel that I put on a shelf.

My excuses are not good. The truth is that the inheritance was too great, the light to bright and the vessel to precious to use. I was overwhelmed by Your Grace and felt unworthy.

You have far more faith in me than I have in myself. I realize now I must put my faith in You and use what you have given me. I must invest the talent, shine the light and use the vessel for your purpose.

I only ask that you forgive me for procrastinating, and give me the confidence to continue spreading Your Glory. In Jesus name I pray...

I have been Blessed